Invitation to ICIMTA 2019. Cairo, 21 November 2019

Participation of NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments in ICIMTA 2019


NT-MDT Spectrum Instruments is delighted to announce our participation at The 1st International Conference on Imaging and Mapping Techniques and its Applications 2019 (ICIMTA 2019) which will be held November 21, 2019 at Grand Nile Tower. Address: Grand Hyat , Corniche El Nil, Garden City, Cairo, Egypt.
Visit the ICIMTA 2019 to discuss your AFM / Raman / Nano IR / SICM research applications with our experts.

Should you have any further questions about participation, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Ahmad Ramadan:
Tell: +202 25203735
Cell: +2 010 27703882/ 01011966620

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